Our Farms

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The Beckett family began as farmers and although we have diversified, we remain farmers through and through.  Our farms are all situated on the urban fringe and we appreciate how much the local environment means to the general public who live in the area.

We farm approximately 950 acres of arable crops including wheat, oil seed rape and winter linseed, all important for contributing to food resources and feedstock for animals.  Whilst we use modern machinery and modern techniques in our farming, environmental issues are always in mind.


Last year, we sowed wild flowers and vetches (clovers) across many parts of our headlands, the areas around our fields where we plant our main crops. In total last year we planted 8 miles of headland –  that’s the equivalent distance of a dual carriageway from the Farm Shop to the centre of Birmingham! The flowers included borage, poppies, ox-eye daisies and sunflowers.

farming_daisy.jpgThe wild flowers that we have invested in support bees, butterflies and many other insects that play a vital role in our environment, pollinating not only the crops to ensure yields are healthy for food production but also encouraging other important vegetation in our countryside for us to enjoy.

Our farmers also manage 200 acres of woodland habitat and grazing fields for sheep.  Within this we have created many different areas of wild habitats including lakes, wooded areas and hedgerows that are ideal for birds and small animals to live happily on the urban fringe.

Interested in farming and our countryside?  These websites may help you to find out more!

